Garlic Varieties We Grow
Hardneck Varieties
Chesnok Red (Shvelisi’)

Exceptionally beautiful, purple-striped, large garlic is a real looker! Chesnok Red originates from the village of Shvelisi’ in the Republic of Georgia. This variety is considered one of the best for baking and roasting by gourmet chefs worldwide and, when roasted, is cherished for its sweet flavor. It is highly productive and capable of producing very large bulbs with 5-7 bulbs per pound and 8-12 medium/large cloves per bulb. These cloves become increasingly easier to peel as the bulbs age.
Seed Grade: Bulbs over 2 inchesStorage life: Up to 6 months
Preferred climate: Grows best in northern/cooler climates.
Yield: 50-60 cloves per pound
When it comes to exceptionally large, easy-to-work-with cloves, the porcelain garlic group karate kicks all rivals. This top-notch porcelain garlic produces 4-6 very large, rose-buff colored cloves per bulb. The cloves are a dream to work with (a huge time saver when making large quantities of elk sausage). Music garlic is medium-hot with a true garlic flavor.
Music has high levels of allicin, the sulfur-containing compound that provides garlic's antioxidant and antibacterial properties. If you eat garlic strictly for wellness purposes, this is the variety for you, especially if you consume it raw!
Plants are dark green, strong, and robust. Music grows very well in cold climates. Music has an exceptional shelf life for a hardneck, storing up to 9 months.
Seed Grade: Bulbs over 2 inches
Storage life: Up to 9 months
Preferred climate: Grows best in northern/cooler climates.
Yield: 35-45 cloves per pound
Softneck Varieties
Inchelium Red

This large bulbed softneck has won multiple taste test awards, including top honors at the Rodale Kitchens Taste test! Flavor! KAPOW!
Inchelium Red has a mild heat with a slight lingering tingle on the tongue, making it a lovely baking or raw garlic. Bulbs can be over 3 inches in diameter, producing 4-5 layers of cloves with a total of 8-20 cloves in a head. Outer layers produce large, easy-to-peel cloves, which decrease in size towards the center of the head.
Inchelium Red braids are good for hanging in kitchens, a traditionally beautiful way to store and display garlic. Large bulbs, mild flavor, and long shelf life make this one of the world's most popular soft neck varieties.
The allicin levels (the sulfur compound most associated with garlic’s health benefits) of Inchelium Red are lower than many other garlic varieties, which is a significant factor in its mildness.
Seed Grade: Bulbs over 2 inches
Storage life: Up to 1 year
Preferred climate: Grows well in southern climates and warmer northern climates.
Yield: 70-80 cloves per pound
Early Italian
This garlic variety hails from Italy, boasts a sweet yet mild flavor profile, and produces medium and large bulbs that nicely fill out a garlic braid. Due to its mild, authentic garlic flavor, Italian is a long-time favorite of gardeners and chefs. These heads yield large outer cloves, which are easy to peel and, once peeled, reveal cloves with a lavender tint. This is another super variety for braiding and displaying in the kitchen. Italian tends to harvest earlier than other varieties if you are growing garlic and are interested in a staggered harvest.
Seed Grade: Bulbs over 2 inches
Storage life: Up to 1 year
Preferred climate: Grows well in southern climates and warmer northern climates.
Yield: 70-80 cloves per pound
Nootka Rose
Nootka Rose originates from Waldron Island, Washington, USA. This garlic produces distinct cloves that feature streaks of red with solid red clove tips, 15-20 cloves per bulb. Nootka bulbs are medium-sized and braid very well. Like most Silverskin varieties, this variety has an aggressive garlic flavor and a lot of heat.
This is our first year growing this variety, and we are still getting to know it - let us know what you think!
Storage life: Nootka Rose stores exceptionally well and can keep for over one year.
Preferred climate: Grows well in southern climates and warmer northern climates.
Yield: 70-80 cloves per pound